Guidelines for authors - oral-, poster presentations and submissions
Oral Presentations
The time-slot for the presentations is 20min and splits up in 15min for lecture, and 5min dedicated for discussion with the audience and for setting up the next speaker's presentation.
All presentations should be tested in the break before your session starts and uploaded on a terminal at the DAFx-10 in order to run from the stable presentation PC available at DAFx-10. This PC is able to interpret pdf, ppt, open office, standard audio-video codecs, stereo playback correctly.
Power-point presentations should not be in a format later than OFFICE 2007.
Poster Presentations
Posters will be pinned up the full conference day (as usual) for unguided discussion. To appreciate poster presentations better than usual, there will be a guided poster tour (as part of the lecture session, started with a clearly audible and visible signal, with sound reinforcement).
Poster-presentation in the guided tour split up into a 3min short-presentation of the poster's subject, and 2min for discussion and advancing to the next poster.
The posters should be portrait, A0 format (841 x 1189 mm).
And to
give the posters a uniform look please use the following poster
(To give an example: Sample Poster - shrunk to A4 )
Paper Submission
Final manuscripts must be submitted by
June 25th, 2010
via web upload
system and
must be modified according to the improvements suggested by the
Do not use any colors in illustrations!
Paper Templates
The DAFx-10 templates for LaTeX and Microsoft Word are available for download here:
- LaTeX template (182 KB) and
- Word template (641 KB)
We recommend that you print and read this information carefully before downloading the templates package:
(The DAFx-10 templates are derived from those used at the previous DAFx-09 conference. The following information was adapted and modified from the WASPAA'99 info page that was created by Jyri Huopaniemi.)
- This is the LaTeX template for DAFx-10. In the package, you will find the following files:
- dafx_10.sty (style file to be used with the template)
- fft_plot2.eps, fft_plot2.pdf (figures used in the template)
- IEEEbib.bst (bibliography layout file to be used with the template)
- template.bib (example bibliography file for use with BibTeX)
- Makefile (LaTeX makefile, compiles a pdf document from the source files. The default is to compile via .ps, but pdflatex is optional. To run it, just type 'make DAFx10.pdf' on the command prompt.)
- DAFx10_tmpl.tex (LaTex template for author(s), produces hyperlinks in the pdf file)
- DAFx10_tmpl.pdf (pdf version of the template produced with the makefile)
- This is the Microsoft Word template for DAFx-10. In the package, you will find the following files:
- DAFx10_tmpl_word1.rtf (template for author(s) with single affiliation)
- DAFx10_tmpl_word2.rtf (template for authors with two affiliations)
- DAFx10_tmpl_word3.rtf (template for authors with three affiliations)
- DAFx10_tmpl_word4.rtf (template for authors with four affiliations)
- DAFx10_tmpl_word4.pdf (an example pdf file of the four-affiliation-version template)
- Whether you use LaTeX or Word, the paper must be converted to the
Adobe pdf format prior to submission. You can use the Adobe
Acrobat Distiller (or pdf virtual printer) to perform the conversion,
while the makefile directly produces the paper in the proper format.
- All
manuscripts must be in English.
- The paper must be no longer than eight (8) pages for oral presentations and no longer than four (4) pages for poster presentations
- To achieve the best viewing experience both for the proceedings and the CD-ROM, we strongly encourage to use Times-Roman font (the LaTeX style file as well as the Word template files use Times-Roman). In addition, this will give the proceedings a more uniform look.
- The paper should be in the following format:
- A4 (210 mm x 297 mm, 8.3 inch x 11.7 inch) and not US Letter
- Single-spaced
- Two (2) columns
- Printed in black ink
- No smaller than nine (9) point type font throughout the paper, including figure captions. In nine point type font, capital letters are 2 mm high.
- Do NOT change the headers and footers. The page numbers will be changed automatically from the electronic submission documents.
- Any text or other material outside the following margins will not be printed (except for header and footer):
- All text and figures must be contained in a 175 mm x 226 mm (6.9 inch x 8.9 inch) image area (not including headers and footers given in the template files)
- The left margin has to be 19 mm (.75 inch).
- The top margin has to be 25.4 mm (1.0 inch).
- Center each page within this image area in a two-column format.
- Follow the style of the sample paper that is included with regard to title, authors, addresses, abstract, heading, and subheadings. Page numbers, session numbers, and conference identification will be inserted when the paper is included in the proceedings.
- The first page should have paper title, author(s), and affiliation(s) horizontally centered on the page across both columns. The remainder of the text must be in the two-column format, staying within the indicated image area.
Additional Instructions
Note that most of the following instructions are fulfilled by using the provided templates.
- For 9-point type font, there should be no more than 3.2 lines/cm (8 lines/inch) vertically. This is a minimum spacing; 2.75 lines/cm (7 lines/inch) will make the paper much more readable. Larger type sizes require correspondingly larger vertical spacing.
- Paper Title - The paper title has to appear in capital letters, boldface if possible, centered across the top of the two columns on the first page as indicated above.
- Authors' Name(s) - Authors' name(s) and affiliation(s) appear below the title in capital and lower case letters. If space permits include a mailing address here. The templates indicate the area where the title and author information should go. These items need not be strictly confined to the number of lines indicated; papers with multiple authors and affiliations, for example, may require two or more lines for this information. However, the placement of the title should be immediately below the top line.
- Abstract - Each paper should contain an abstract that appears at the beginning of the paper.
- Major Headings - Major headings appear in capital letters, bold face, centered in the column. Examples of the various levels of headings are included in the templates.
- Sub Headings - Sub headings appear in capital and lower case, in boldface. They start at the left margin on a separate line.
- Sub-Sub Headings - Sub-sub headings appear in capital and lower case, indented like a paragraph and on a separate line. They are in italics.
- References
- List and number all references at the end of the paper. The
references are numbered in order of appearance in the document. When
referring to them in the text, type the corresponding reference number
in square brackets as shown at the end of this sentence [1].
[1] D. Arfib, "Different Ways to Write Digital Audio Effects Programs," in Proc. Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-98), Barcelona, Spain, Nov. 1998, pp. 188-191. - Illustrations - Illustrations must appear within the designated margins, and must be provided positioned within the paper. They may span over the two columns. When possible, place illustrations at the tops of columns, rather than in the middle or at the bottom. Caption and number every illustration. All half-tone illustrations must be clear black and white prints. Line drawings may be made in black ink on white paper. Do not use any colors in illustrations.
- WWW URL links - Authors are encouraged to include the WWW URL address in the paper and/or abstract to refer to any online information related to the paper, such as accompanied audio/video files, links of relevant publications and demos. The URL link allows authors to share proper and updated information with reviewers.