#31 Fusing Block-level Features for Music Similarity Estimation
Klaus Seyerlehner, Gerhard Widmer, Tim Pohle
In this paper we present a novel approach to computing music
similarity based on block-level features. We first introduce three
novel block-level features — the Variance Delta Spectral Pattern
(VDSP), the Correlation Pattern (CP) and the Spectral Contrast
Pattern (SCP). Then we describe how to combine the extracted
features into a single similarity function. A comprehensive evaluation
based on genre classification experiments shows that the
combined block-level similarity measure (BLS) is comparable, in
terms of quality, to the best current method from the literature. But
BLS has the important advantage of being based on a vector space
representation, which directly facilitates a number of useful operations,
such as PCA analysis, k-means clustering, visualization
etc. We also show that there is still potential for further improve of
music similarity measures by combining BLS with another stateof-
the-art algorithm; the combined algorithm then outperforms all
other algorithms in our evaluation. Additionally, we discuss the
problem of album and artist effects in the context of similaritybased
recommendation and show that one can detect the presence
of such effects in a given dataset by analyzing the nearest neighbor
classification results.